Indonesian Literature
Faculty of Humanities
Indonesian Literature UNDIP News
Indonesian Literature Study Programme, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University presents a Visiting Professor with the theme: ‘Why did People Write in the Malay-Speaking World?’
Indonesian Literature Study Programme, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University presents a Visiting Professor with the theme: ‘Why did People Write in the Malay-Speaking World?’ Writing is profound evidence of human intellectual evolution. The Malay-Speaking World...
Belantara, Sasindo’s Podcast as an Effort to Promote Undip’s Indonesian Literature Study Programme with a Casual and Minimalist Design
One of the study programs in the field of social and cultural sciences at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Diponegoro University is now venturing into the audio-visual world that is currently loved by many internet enthusiasts, namely podcasts. The name Belantara...
Indonesian Literature Study Programme, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Diponegoro University presents a Visiting Lecturer with the theme ‘Preservation of Indigenous Language in Contemporary Society’.
Indonesia has strengths and opportunities through regional languages spread across the archipelago. However, local language opportunities that attract global interest can become a threat if not properly maintained. What are the opportunities and threats of local...
International Webinar of Indonesian Literature
"LOOKING FOR A RESEARCH MODEL FOR LINGUISTICS, LITERATURE, AND PHILOLOGY IN THE DIGITAL 4.0 ERA" Research and community service activities are one of the tasks of the Tri Dharma College. For lecturers, this task must be carried out simultaneously and continuously....