National Poetry Day is celebrated at the Indonesian Literature Study Program on Friday, 12 May 2023 with the theme “Poetry Day”. This Poetry Day event is one of the annual work programs of the Indonesian Literature Student Family (KMSI), especially the Mikatbud department. Just like in previous years, the purpose of holding this event was to provide a forum for students to express their ideas or ideas, especially in the field of literature or poetry.

The theme raised in this year’s Poetry Day celebration is “Shackled Voices”. This theme was chosen not without clear reasons. “This theme was chosen due to its connection with the Job Creation Law which was passed by the government. Even though the people, especially those who work as laborers, have strongly opposed the passage of this law. Workers have staged demonstrations to voice what they feel but the government has not heard at all until now. Seeing this, yesterday’s Poetry Day celebration took the theme of Voices Shackled as a form of people’s grievances represented by several students,” said Shidiq the chairman of the organizer of this event.

It is known that the Poetry Day event is the highlight after previously a poetry copyright competition was held which was opened to all students of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences. The theme taken in the competition is “Social Criticism”. The theme between competition and celebration is deliberately related.

As the highlight of the Poetry Day celebration, there were several displays of poetry from student representatives and also lecturers who took place at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences Crop Circle. “We, the committee, asked representatives of performers from each active Sasindo class (2019-2022) to present poetry according to the theme raised. The performances also varied, there were poetry readings, poetry musicalization, and poetry in chains. Apart from student representatives, we also invited lecturer representatives to appear, yesterday represented by Mas Hamdan and Ms Marta,” added Shidiq.

Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo, M.Hum as Head of the Undip Indonesian Literature Study Program expressed his appreciation and fully supported holding this event. He hoped that by holding this event, students would be more motivated to create works in the field of literature, especially works in the form of poetry. (Kristy)