Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo, M.Hum., Head of the Indonesian Literature Study Program FIB Diponegoro University, was present as a speaker at the discussion on the Young Generation and the Advancement of Local Culture in Central Java which took place online on November 2 2023.
The event was initiated by the Indonesian Writers Association SATUPENA, chaired by Denny JA. Discussion. The two hour discussion was moderated by Anick HT and Amelia Fitriani.
Dr.Sukarjo Waluyo, M.Hum. believes that there is a tendency for people to become bored with modernism which makes them return to looking at local elements. This has an impact on the perspective of people who are confident about their culture without focusing on a culture that has been considered superior or elite.
“The current phenomenon is that those in Central Java are aware that Central Java is not alone. I got a perspective, cultures outside Yogya and Solo which were previously considered the others and peripheral, are now starting to emerge. What are the examples? For example, in building icons city,” said Sukarjo.
During the discussion session, several interesting questions emerged from the participants which ultimately led to the conclusion that state intervention in cultural advancement was indeed important and needed, but reflecting on the development of Soreng arts, Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo, M. Hum. emphasized that this does not mean we are completely dependent on the state.
Cultural actors still need to be enthusiastic and take the initiative in innovating so that arts activities continue to provide benefits to those involved, not harm. This certainly adds to the pleasure for cultural actors to continue to keep their local culture alive.