The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many policies, including the lecture method at various universities in Indonesia which must be held online. However, the waiting period for students to be able to conduct offline lectures has ended, because starting on August 22, 2022, Undip students are allowed to conduct face-to-face lectures. This rule change was welcomed by Undip Indonesian Literature study program students because they could meet directly with lecturers and other students.
Undip Indonesian Literature students responded positively to the introduction of face-to-face lectures at Diponegoro University. “This face-to-face lecture is the right step because after two years the lectures are conducted online,” said Arya, Indonesian Literature Student, Undip. For him, face-to-face learning is more effective because students can feel the atmosphere of learning in class and can interact directly with lecturers and friends. In this case, students feel that they can learn more optimally because they are no longer separated by distance, so the discussion process can run more pleasantly.
However, Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo, S.S., M.Hum  said that there were exceptions for seventh-semester students who had to continue to lecture online. “Referring to the Chancellor’s Decree, face-to-face learning is carried out by first, third, and fifth semester students, while seventh-semester students remain online, but thesis consultation can still be done offline,” said Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo, M. Hum.
During the implementation of face-to-face lectures, lecturers and students continue to apply the process. Masks are still mandatory for all academics at Diponegoro University, including the Faculty of Cultural Sciences where the Indonesian Literature study program is located.
“The face-to-face learning must follow applicable policies by existing SOPs such as wearing masks, then having to show booster vaccines, and so on,” he explained.
The positive impact of the implementation of face-to-face lecture policies is certainly expected to make students eager to learn and achieve. Lecturers and students in the Indonesian Literature study program hope that face-to-face lectures can continue and the pandemic will end soon. (Martha)