The novel Sang Tandak by Yit Prayitno, which was published in November 2023, has attracted the attention of many parties. Coming in at 512 pages, the novel raises the topic of women in history. This historical fiction originates from authentic sources, creating a unique reading experience for readers.
Laura Andri R.M., S.Hum., M.A. as a lecturer in the Indonesian Literature study program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Diponegoro University, he was also involved as a resource person in the Sang Tandak book review organized by the Semarang Arts Council (Dekase) together with the Kalen Forum, Djarum Foundation, and Betanews. The review of the Novel Sang Tandak was held at the Ruang Kota, Kota Lama area, Semarang on Saturday (14/10/2023) evening. Apart from Laura Andri, there were also Fathul Munif from the Maring Institute and Yit Prayitno as a novel writer.
“The presence of the novel Sang Tandak in Indonesian literary works gives its own color. Historical fiction is very necessary today. Apart from discussing the history of Kudus, Pati, Solo and several other areas, this novel also shows the struggle of women to achieve their existence, including the idea of women supporting women which is also present there.” Laura said.
Laura Andri R.M., S.Hum., M.A discusses the novel Sang Tandak from the perspective of Simone De Beauvoir. He stated that women’s forms of struggle were carried out through education, work and society. Women’s involvement in the social sphere shows that women’s voices are starting to be considered.
Nevertheless, the end of this novel shows that women’s struggle ends in death. “The death of the main female character shows how deeply patriarchy is rooted in society, this is in accordance with the reality in society,” said Laura.
“Ajeng, who appeared obedient and gentle, was ultimately able to fight back against acts of discrimination, which placed her as second sex. This is proof that we cannot underestimate women in their social roles. “Regardless of whether he loses or wins in the end, he has given readers awareness,” added Munif.
The book review event was also enlivened by musical performances by the Street Music Group (KJP), and the Collaboration of Petroek van Loano, Giwang Topo, Paimo, and Deni Dumbo. Petroek van Loano’s Collaborative Music presents a number of song titles, one of which is entitled “Taroe Tandak”.
