Gentan, Bendosari (24/7) — In this era of globalization, children tend to prefer playing online games. Whereas at their age, children should be more productive in reading books, both fiction and non-fiction. Therefore, introducing literary works to children is one way to improve children’s literacy.

A member of KKN Team II UNDIP, under the guidance of Drs. Hartono, M.T., namely Nailil Inayah, who is a student majoring in Indonesian Literature, conducted an empowerment program and introduced literary works to children through poetry media. The program was held on July 24, 2023, at SD Negeri Gentan 01.

The teachers and principal of SD Negeri Gentan 01 fully supported the activity because they wanted to make their students have a high interest in reading.

Nailil Inayah used this opportunity to introduce literature to the children by using the lecture method and giving examples of poetry. The children became interested and curious about poetry. Therefore, the training stage of writing poetry made the students gradually become aware of the old and new forms of poetry.

In addition to practicing writing, the children also practiced reading poetry. They were eager to come forward to read the poems they had written. Other friends clapped their hands in appreciation.

But on the other hand, there are also grade 4 students who are still not fluent in reading and writing. This is a challenge because they need to train carefully. Thankfully, these students are still eager to learn and are always smiling. With the implementation of this program, it is hoped that it can increase children’s interest in reading in a sustainable manner and strive for literary literacy among children.