Bendosari, Sukoharjo (7/8) – The era of globalization is an era of change seen in technology, lifestyle, information, and so on. Technology is at the forefront of this era. All activities and sources of information come from technology and social media. This has an impact on children’s interest in literacy. They tend to prefer playing online games rather than reading books.

The declining interest in reading in children is the reason for one of the UNDIP KKN Team II members, namely Minarni Salisa — under the guidance of Drs. Hartono, M.T.– to promote literacy in children, as the goal of the Indonesian Literature study program. The program was entitled “Literary Training: Empowerment and Introduction of Literary Works to Elementary School Children at MIM Toriyo Village through Poetry and Short Stories” in Toriyo Village.

The work program was an opportunity to introduce literature to children. This introduction to literature used the lecture method. This method was used to convey material about literature. In addition, the children were shown videos of poetry reading.

Besides introducing literature to children. Minarni Salisa taught reading to some children who were not yet fluent in reading. One child who was not yet fluent in reading looked enthusiastic when taught to read. Starting from reading posters to short sentences.

The challenge in this program is that the 4th graders at MIM Toriyo Village have not been taught literature at all. This made it a challenge to explain the material and liven up the class atmosphere. Therefore, at the end of the lesson, the children were invited to play clapping aramsamsam, and the children enthusiastically followed the movements taught.

This program is expected to be the first step for grade 4 elementary school children in MIM Toriyo Village to get to know literature and foster a love for literacy from an early age.