The Journalism Festival was organized by Manunggal, one of the student press organizations at UNDIP. With a creative and innovative nuance, the event not only packaged information related to the revitalization of indigenous peoples from the point of view of science and culture. Inviting Ananda Lopez as one of the symbols of content creation among young people, the Journalism Festival conveyed the point of view of the younger generation regarding Indonesian culture.
Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo, M.Hum., Lecturer of the Indonesian Literature Study Program FIB UNDIP also spoke at the event. Sukarjo conveyed a point of view related to the academic world regarding the revitalization of indigenous peoples. The material presented by Sukarjo also looks at the progress or development of the times that can affect the behavior and implementation of culture by indigenous peoples.
Indigenous peoples and their cultures will gradually follow the times. Sukarjo gave an example of customs from other nations, namely from India. In this case, it is known that there was a time when the husband died and left a wife, the wife had to die, also in the sense that when the husband was burned, the wife had to be burned. The meaning of this belief is that husbands and wives live together and die together. Times and beliefs came into contact so that the tradition was gradually displaced and replaced by awareness of the importance of life.
The main event, touched by Andovi da Lopez’s experience, became a meeting place for academics and practitioners. Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo, M.Hum. addressed theoretical intellectual views. Along with that, there was also Yoyok Bambang Priyambodo a practitioner who saw firsthand the upheaval of the art world. (Hadziq)
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