An Undip Indonesian Literature Study Program student named Evi Yanti Agustin won third place by collecting a total of 260 points in the Geography Time National essay competition. This essay competition is part of a series of Geography Time 2023 events held by the Geography Education Study Program at UIN Suska Riau. Apart from the essay competition, two other competitions were held, namely online Olympiads for high school/equivalent levels throughout Indonesia and a poster design competition for students throughout Indonesia.
“Application of Technology for the Environment” is the theme chosen in this essay competition. In addition to these themes, there were several sub-theme options that participants could choose from, namely education, technology, environment, and socio- culture.
An essay entitled Rawat and Ruwat Sungai berbasis “Wayang Pepeling” dengan konsep “Aja Rumangsa Kuasa, nanging Ayo Padha Jaga lan Nglestarekna” is an essay by Evi that managed to bring her to this achievement. In this essay of hers, Evi writes about her concern for rivers in Indonesia that are polluted by garbage. The pollution of this river has caused many harmful disasters. As an effort to minimize this problem, Evi came up with a creative idea to utilize wayang culture as an effective means of environmental communication as well as an interesting educational medium that opens up new knowledge for early childhood. This is intended to shape the character of children to care about the environment.
Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo, M.Hum as Head of the Undip Indonesian Literature Study Program expressed his appreciation and was also proud of Evi’s achievements. He hopes that Evi’s achievement can be an inspiration for other Indonesian Literature students. So that more students will be interested in participating in this kind of competition. Thus, the Undip Indonesian Literature Study Program can prove that its students have good potential and competitiveness (Kristy)
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