Field Work Lecture (KKL) was held by Indonesian Literature students Batch of 2020 FIB UNDIP on October 27, 2022. This activity initiated by the Department of Letters became a model of scientific actualization for Indonesian Literature students FIB UNDIP. Several cultural spaces were also chosen to actualize knowledge according to the interests of Indonesian Literature students, FIB UNDIP.
A total of 145 students who are divided into specializations in Literature, Philology, and Linguistics are directed to various areas of their scientific application. A group of students specializing in literature held a meeting with the management of the publisher. Meanwhile, students specializing in linguistics interact directly with traders at Beringharjo Market. Not different from the two specializations, the group of students specializing in philology made direct observations of Javanese manuscripts at the Sonobudoyo Museum.
In this case,, which operates as a publisher, literary practitioner group, and literary criticism room, is a reflection of the profession and the right application of science for students with literary specialization. Along with these activities, linguistics students made observations on various communication segments at Beringharjo Market. Students with an interest in philology actually see firsthand the well-preserved classical manuscripts at the Sonobudoyo Museum rather than just seeing them as images on a projection screen.

This KKL activity was also greeted with enthusiasm from the students who participated. This is mainly due to their lack of interaction during the Covid-19 pandemic. They simultaneously participated in an offline lecture program which was only held at the beginning of 2022. No doubt, this academic-inspired activity is also a place that brings students closer emotionally.
“This KKL is designed to make students meet directly with the object of study and application of the field they are interested in. At the same time, this increases the intimacy of the students who have hardly seen each other since they entered college,” said Dr. Ken Widyatwati, S.S., M. Hum. as a companion in the event.
Dr. Ken Widyatwati, S.S., M. Hum. Is a companion to the philology specialization. Meanwhile, for literature and linguistics, Laura Andri Retno Martini, S.S., M.A. and Dra. Sri Puji Astuti, M.Pd. The three of them collaboratively invite students to understand their respective fields of specialization.
The Head of the Indonesian Literature Study Program FIB UNDIP, Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo, M. Hum. also appreciate this activity. The Head of Study Program sees the importance of this activity to expand students’ practical experience rather than just learning theory in classrooms. (Hamdan)
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