The year 2022 is the opening door for literary creation activities in Kendal Regency with the Kendal Novel Award. On October 30, 2022, the Kendal Novel Award winners are awarded, as well as a variety of artistic performances have been held. This activity was initiated by the Komunitas Lereng Medini (KLM), Sangkar Arah Pustaka, Jarak Dekat Art Production, and Pelataran Sastra Kaliwungu  (PSK). In this activity, the three founding communities of Kendal Novel Award collaborated with Prof. Mudjahirin Thohir, M.S. as Chief Appraiser.

The Professor of Indonesian Literature at FIB UNDIP expressed his surprise at the activeness of young people in creative processes such as writing novels. Prof. Mudjahirin Thohir, M.S. also hopes that these young people will continue their creative opportunities in the world of literature. After all, being a part of the literary world is not much loved by the millennial generation, especially those who can do work very seriously.

The current generation may already be familiar with writing spaces such as Wattpad or Webnovel. However, those who can blend with nature while making serious observations before being poured into work can still be said to be rare. The product from the Kendal Novel Award was assessed by Prof. Mudjahirin Thohir, M.S. as a manifestation of the union of young writers with nature and traditional elements around it.

The organizers of this event welcomed the creative process by merging with traditional values symbolically. In addition to written awards, several traditional prizes were also given. The economic value which is usually given in the form of money for the winners is replaced with ottawa goats, ducks, chickens, and rabbits as a representation of the prizes for the winners. Giving gifts like this shows that farm animals that are usually present in the community can also become an economic symbol rather than just giving money.

Happy faces and full of question marks can be seen from the winners of the Kendal Novel Award. This was also responded by Prof. Mudjahirin Thohir as a process of ‘upgrading’ from traditional values. In line with the Professor of Indonesian Literature FIB UNDIP, Bahrul, one of the initiators also hopes that this activity will continue beyond the provision of unique prizes.

Bahrul said that this activity would be scheduled every year. However, it’s not just novel writing awards. Works such as poetry, short stories, and essays are further targets for the Kendal Novel Award. The plan was responded to positively by Prof. Mudjahirin Thohir, M.S. especially with an intention to expand the reach of participants, not only in Kendal, but also at the provincial level, and even at the national level.

Looking at Prof. Mudjahirin Thohir, M.S. activity as the Chief Appraiser in the event also received a warm welcome from Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo, M. Hum. As the Head of Indonesian Literature Study Program, FIB UNDIP, Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo, M. Hum. sees the professionalism of Prof. Mudjahirin Thohir, M.S. as a literary and cultural expert in these activities. (Hamdan)