Pagi yang Merepotkan, a monologue drama by Khotibul Umam, S.S., M.Hum., Lecturer in Indonesian Literature at Diponegoro University, was successfully performed by HAE Theatre on Saturday (26/5/2024) at the Raden Saleh Cultural Park Performance Hall (TBRS). The monologue drama, which featured Iswar Aminuddin as an actor who played the role of a boxing coach, told the story of a housewife who struggled to continue her life after separating from her small family.

Director and scriptwriter Khotibul Umam, S.S., M.Hum. revealed that ‘Pagi yang Merepubkan’ is a monologue drama that carries the concept of psychodrama and therapeutic drama approaches. The monologue drama that plays the struggle of a mother is a breakthrough made by the director. If he usually writes drama scripts based on personal anxiety, then in ‘Pagi yang Merepotkan’, the script comes from the anxiety of the main actor, Salma. In the writing process, Mas Umam, his nickname, asked Salma to reflect on her life stories and experiences in a diary, and other scribbles which were then neatly processed using the shycodrama, a combination method of psychological therapy and dramaturgy.

Furthermore, Mas Umam, added that the concept of psychodrama has existed since the 1920s, initiated by Jacob Levy Moreno. The idea was a theatre experiment conducted by Moreno based on spontaneity and improvisation at his psychiatric clinic in New York. However, therapeutic drama was first documented in 1939 in Peter Slade’s lecture to the British Medical Association. In this regard, therapeutic drama is used to change the life experiences of the actor, patient, or client so that they can express and overcome their problems properly.

The magnificent monologue theatre performance by HAE Teater with the script ‘Pagi yang Merepotkan’ by Khotibul Umam, S.S., M.Hum., lecturer of Undip’s Indonesian Literature Study Program, Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo, M.Hum., as the Head of the Indonesian Literature Study Program of FIB Undip appreciated every lecturer’s activity and expertise. Mas Umam also hopes that this expertise will be the spark for many other contributions from other lecturers in the Indonesian Literature Study Program. (AF)