The Indonesian Literature study program held a coordination meeting on July 7, 2022, in the large courtroom of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Diponegoro University. The meeting discussed evaluating the performance of the study program for one semester as well as discussing preparation for the new semester. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo, M. Hum. as the head of the Indonesian Literature study program and attended by all lecturers and staff of the Indonesian Literature study program.

In the meeting, it was stated that the Indonesian Literature Study Program had met several targets for achieving the study program’s performance for one semester. Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo, M. Hum. stated that the achievement of the study program must be maintained and improved in the coming semester. Especially about optimizing publications at national and international levels, joint research at home and abroad, entrepreneurship, and student championships at national and international levels. Secretary of the study program, Laura Andri R.M., S.S., M.A. on the same occasion also conveyed about the teaching schedule for the Odd semester 2022/2023 for each lecturer in the next semester which is planned to be held offline.

The coordination meeting is not only a means of evaluating lecturers’ performance but also an effort to provide an overview of the study program’s work program in the coming semester. In that way, it is hoped that the Indonesian Literature study program at Diponegoro University will be more advanced and superior. (Marta/Didit)