Based on 1) Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 257 / M / KPT / 2017 concerning the Name of Study Programs at Higher Education Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia; 2) Diponegoro University Chancellor’s Decree Number: 47 / UN7.P / HK / 2018 concerning the Determination of the Titles and Abbreviations for Diponegoro University Graduate Degrees, the graduate degree from the Indonesian Literature Study Program is a Bachelor of Literature (S.S) / Bachelor of Literature. These graduate degrees and abbreviations began to be given to graduates who were inaugurated at the 149th graduation ceremony on January 23rd-25th, 2018 onwards.

Download: Peraturan Menteri Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Replublik Indonesia No. 257.M.KPT. 2017. Nama Program Studi