September 10, 2022, the Indonesian Literature Study Program, Diponegoro University (Undip) held a webinar with the Central Java Provincial Language Center and MAN Salatiga. The event was held via Zoom and was attended by three speakers, namely Drs. Ary Setyadi, M.S., Dr. Redyanto Noor, M. Hum. (lecturer of Indonesian Literature FIB, Undip), and Genisti Arselia Gusmiarnum. The webinar activity was initiated by an intern student of the Indonesian Literature Study Program, Diponegoro University (Undip) at the Language Center of Central Java Province. With the theme “Working with Tourism Literature”, the event succeeded in bringing in as many as 77 participants with various backgrounds.
Dr. Redyanto Noor, M. Hum. states that there is a close relationship between literature and tourism substantially for a long time. There is a reciprocal relationship between literature and tourism. In this case, there are many literary works that are inspired by the phenomenon of tourism, on the other hand, many tourist attractions are popularized through literary works. However, Dr. Redyanto Noor, M. Hum. revealed that literary studies that use a tourism approach have not been widely used in literary research.
Meanwhile, Drs. Ary Setyadi, M.S. explain the function of language as a communication tool, and pack ideas that are straightforward and figurative. He emphasized that in writing, one must apply the assumption that the writing will be read by other people so that proper language rules must be considered.
Furthermore, one of the Indonesian Literature Students who was also a resource person discussed his experience in writing literary works. According to him, writing with sincerity, love, and having the courage to start and try is the most appropriate steps in order to be able to work.
Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo M.Hum, as Head of the Undip Indonesian Literature Study Program and Irfiah Firoroh S.Pd., M.Sc., as a teacher at MAN Salatiga hope that similar collaborations can continue in the future so that it can have a positive impact on the advancement of the world of education. (MW)
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