(25/5/2024) Dr.Sukarjo Waluyo, M.Hum. as the Head of Sasindo Undip received a visit from Binus University Semarang represented by the head of LPPM Binus University Semarang, Nur Sitha Afrilia, S.S., M.S., who is also an outstanding alumni of Sasindo Undip. The chairman of LPPM Binus University Semarang, who is also the Mawapres of FIB Undip in 2017, has proven his activity with many proud achievements, both at the national and international levels.

Some of the competitions at the national level that have been won by Nur Sitha Afrilia, S.S., M.S. more familiarly called mbak Sitha are the Central Java Museum Ambassador, Pati Regency Genre Ambassador, and 2019 Central Java Language Ambassador with the proposed BERBAHAYA (Belajar Bahasa dan Budaya) programme which is manifested in an android application prototype to help foreign students learn and understand Indonesian practically and efficiently. As for the international level competitions that mbak Sitha has won, such as the competition in Delhi in 2016 and the Asia Pacific Future Leader Conference in Malaysia in the same year.

In connection with the visit of the Head of LPPM Binus University Semarang, who is also Mawapres of FIB Undip 2017, was welcomed by the Head of Sasindo Undip, Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo, M.Hum. The visit was carried out in the context of discussing the discourse of cooperation between Sasindo Undip and Binus University Semarang regarding the development and management of tourist villages in Central Java.

The discourse on cooperation in the development and management of tourist villages is actually in line with the vision and mission of Sasindo Undip, which is to become a centre for education, research, service, and development of language, literature, philology, and coastal culture. Innovations related to the cooperation of tourism village development can create good and sustainable tourism potential so as to improve development and welfare in the target village. It is also useful as a means for the service and research of Undip Sasindo residents related to Archipelago Culture based on local wisdom.

Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo, M.Hum., as the Head of the Indonesian Literature Study Program, FIB Undip welcomed the discourse on the collaboration between Sasindo Undip and Binus University Semarang, he also hoped that the programme could become a spark to expand the research potential of Sasindo Undip residents so that they would be richer in works related to archipelago culture based on local wisdom and the collaboration of the Indonesian Literature Study Program with partner universities to become global university.